Onnicle Challenge – 5

She hates being called SMS, the moniker she’s acquired on the OG Facebook Page. But Sangeeta Shroff smiles and pretends she doesn’t mind. Though she’s not yet in the same league of active proponents of World Peace as our protagonists this week, she’s still a peace-loving person nevertheless, who’s willing to ignore all minor irritants. There’s also another reason for her largesse. She’s not only won the previous Onnicle Challenge, but also authored this week’s onnicle (no connection between the two, both independently deserved).
Girl power continues to dominate the site this week. Way to go, Sangeeta!

OnniClue: Identify 10 Miss Universe pageant winners

If you can identify all of them, submit your answer as a comment to this post. Alternatively, send an email with the list of names to:onnicles [at] gmail [dot] com

Onnicle 5:
The Legend of Lia Bell

Just south of Vegas’s beautiful city of Denmar, is Olga bridge. This bridge spans an island, on which stands the ruins of a time and weather lynched Georgian Castle. It once stood as a superb rook to create a gateway to area’s impressive tourist or residential attractions. Today, an Arab team is restoring this bleeding friz kissed beauty.

Long before the charming castle was built, this Native haiku use land, was thought to be possessed by paranormal and evil spirits. Over time, a number of legendary tales evolved. From Sasha W.N. Field’s story came ‘Lia Bell’. Newlywed Lia was saved from the frozen River Georg in a lath, following a romantic sleigh ride with her beau, Michel. A local blacksmith rescued Lia by tying her from binweed and pulling her ashore. Anormal a return that it was, this island with no landscape was named after her. Some claim that they have heard Michel sigh for his lost love in this chill evil Island!

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10 thoughts on “Onnicle Challenge – 5”

  1. The Legend of Lia Bell

    Just south of VEGAs’s beautiful city of DenMAR, IS OLga bridge. This bridge spans an island, on which stands the ruins of a time and WEATHER LYnched Georgian Castle. It once stood as a superB ROOK to create a gateway to area’s impressive tourisT OR RESidential attractions. ToDAY, AN ARAb team is restoring this bLEEding FRIZ Kissed beauty.

    Long before the chARMIng castle was built, this Native haiKU USE LAnd, was thought to be possessed by paraNORMAl and evil spirits. Over time, a number of legendary tales evolved. From SaSHA W.N. Field’s story cAME ‘LIA Bell’. Newlywed Lia was saved from the frozen River GEORG IN A lath, following a romantic sleigh ride with her beau, Michel. A local blackSMITH rescued Lia by tying her fROM BINweed and pulling her ashore. AnorMAL A RETurn that it was, this island with NO LANdscape was named after her. Some claim that they have heard MiCHEL SIgh for his lost love in this cHILL EVIl Island!

    1. Georgina Rizk
    2. Marisol Malaret
    3. Amelia Vega
    4. Brook Lee
    5. Shawn Weatherly
    6. Dayanara Torres
    7. Chelsi Smith
    8. Norma Nolan
    9. Hillevi Rombin
    10. Armi Kuusela

    Aditi 🙂

  2. Marisol Malaret
    Georgina Rizk
    Shawn Weatherly
    Dayanara Torres
    Chelsi Smith
    Amelia Vega
    Hillevi Rombin
    Norma Nolan
    Armi Kuusela
    Brook Mahealani Lee
    – MJ

  3. 1. Armi Kuusela
    2. Hillevi Rombin
    3. Norma Nolan
    4. Georgina Rizk
    5. Shawn Weatherly
    6. Dayanara Torres
    7. Chelsi Smith
    8. Amelia Vega
    9. Brook Lee
    10. Marisol Malaret

  4. This was my first time, and it was fun! Here are my answers:

    Amelia Vega
    Armi Kuusela
    Hillevi Rombin
    Marisol Malaret
    Brook Lee
    Chelsi Smith
    Dayanara Torres
    Norma Nolan
    Georgia Risk
    Shawn Weatherly

  5. My first time trying this. Here's what I got: Amelia Vega, Marisol Malaret, Georgine Rizk, Brook Lee, Dayanara Torres, Arni Kuusela, Norma Nolan, Shawn Weatherly, Chelsi Smith and Hillevi Rombin. This was fun!

  6. Amelia Vega
    Chelsi Smith
    Brook Lee
    Armi Kuusela
    Hellevi Rombin
    Norma Nolan
    Marisol Malaret
    Georgina Rizk
    Shawn Weatherly
    Dayanara Torres (Res Tor  Tor Res)
    Also Dayana (but no Mendoza I could find)

    Sent you highlighted text by gmail.


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