Word games for April 2012 | Onnicles

Onnicle: It may be, well, a little modified, but the party goes on. OnniClue: But where’s the guy who started the party? Onnicle: Just ice-cold dilemmas to look at, just tough decisions to make. OnniClue: Law and behold. Onnicle 1: Zucchini colas on Noah’s Ark? O Zynga fans, control thy creative urges. Onnicle 2: The … Read more

Word games for March 2012 | Onnicles

Onnicle: Making his way through the traffic jam, escaping reporters, came Ronaldo. OnniClue: Getting that sinking feeling all over again? Onnicle: ‘Concert by Bon Jovi rated ok’ – Oh, like anybody still cares? OnniClue: They said it was rude to use fingers, so he used his wrists to devastating effect. Onnicle: Those who wine and … Read more

Word games for February 2012 | Onnicles

Onnicle: In the land of Ahimsa, if a live back-hand is delivered, what do you say? Onnicle: (With a nasal, anglicized, Nawabi accent) Waaaaaw! Onnicle: Sms recvd – Forget Delhi metro, berth available in politics to trigger saliva, dramatic upside OnniClue: Frisking prohibited. Onnicle: She had elegantly taken the setbacks in her stride. OnniClue: Victory…and … Read more

Word games for January 2012 | Onnicles

Onnicle: Don’t you wish Irish cream fans wouldn’t pick understandably undeserved fights?OnniClue: SRK style penalty for flouting the govt’s hum-2-hamare-2 norms? Guest Onnicle contributed by Poyni BhattOnnicle: Begin the day with a Psalm, an ancient holy verse, for theists, and an orange crush diet for atheist- recommends a secular norm.OnniClue: Shame on us when private … Read more